
My Music

Friday, August 21, 2009

My Friend's True Love Story - A true Story! (Chuyện tình của chính bạn tôi)

(To S n his g/f)

They met accidentally in the air. Love came to them as rapidly as a strong wind from the ocean, as violently as storms from deserts, as the flood from upper reaches. Many nice plans were created for the day of meeting... Then a dreaming home was eventually built in heaven for the two lovers. They were ready to be hand in hand getting there when a rain poured down. The house melted, mixed with the rain pouring into the eyes of theirs on the half way to happiness. Life changed! The guy had to get on another turning due to the traditional custom, left her there between the sky and the ocean. She collapsed like a bird shot! He has got new life, feeling pity for her . She managed to stand up and tried to forget him, but half failed: She can stand up but is not able get rid of his image in her heart and mind...
Time has passed, they both realise that love is there, remains between them, as great as the distance from him to her, the continental distance, as violent as storms from deserts, as floods from upper reaches and as deep as the sea bottom despite no touch and contact. Sometimes his silence makes her hurt but she wishes he would get his own life then it turns to be her happiness. But things is different. Bad things happened to him! Hearing that he had a narrow escape from an accident made her feel regretful... . He becomes so many things to her.
Anyway, He is there, alive. That's enough for her! Gods love them both.
Two injured hearts
Still be apart
Yet love long lasts.
Love will help find way for their hearts
to heal fast.
Then one day when time has passed
I can see them two
Hand in hand on the way to the home
Like which they dreamed in the past.

Hai người gặp nhau trong vũ trụ. Rồi tình yêu đến nhanh như một cơn gió từ biển khơi, ào ào như những trận bão từ sa mạc, điên cuồng như thác trên nguồn đỏ xuống. Họ có biết bao điều dự định. Họ đã xây cho mình một mái ấm nơi thiên đường. Họ đã sẵn sàng dắt tay nhau về ngôi nhà hạnh phúc thì trời bỗng đổ mưa. Ngôi nhà tan chảy hòa vào cơn mưa xối xuống mắt của đôi tình nhân. Cuộc đời thay đổi. Chàng trai phải rẽ sang ngang do phong tục tập quán nơi quê anh, để lại người yêu cô đơn giữa mênh mông trời biển. Cô sụp đổ như một con chim bị trúng đạn. Chàng trai có cuộc sống mới và thấy thương cho cô. Cô gắng gượng đứng lên và cố quên chàng nhưng cô chỉ có thể đứng lên còn quên chàng thì không...

Thời gian thấm thoát trôi đi và họ nhận ra rằng tình yêu vẫn còn đó giữa hai người, lớn như khoảng cách giữa họ - Cái khoảng cách nghìn trùng châu lục, vẫn ào ào như những trận bão từ sa mạc, vẫn điên cuồng như thác từ trên nguồn đổ xuống và thẳm sâu như đáy đại dương mặc dù bặt tin tức. Đôi khi sự im lặng của chàng làm cô đau khổ nhưng rồi ước mong chàng có một cuộc sống mới hạnh phúc đã trở thành niềm vui của cô. Nhưng sự đời không như thế. Chàng đã gặp chuyện chẳng lành. Khi chàng cho cô biết anh đã thoát chết trong một vụ tai nạn đã khiến cô ân hận... Chàng có ý nghĩa với cô biết nhường nào!

Dù sao thì chàng vẫn còn đó trên đời, với cô như thế là đủ rồi! Chúa đã thương tình!
Hai con tim tổn thương
sống trong cách biệt
Mà tình yêu tha thiết
Vẫn gắn bó hai người.
Xin lạy đất trời làm lành vết thương cho họ.
Để một ngày nào đó tôi có thể chứng kiến họ đưa nhau về ngôi nhà hạnh phúc mà họ đã từng mơ ước khi xưa.


  1. dear vuon,           your every post proves to be a piceous pearl for the person who realise and respect the love feelings.At first hand, my i blushed to say that, "thank God, it is not her but her fiend's story. but the next moment, my thought rolled back and argued," the the the tragic deepness flowing as under current in the words used reveals that the story is not her friend's but her own only.what is true is not the issue. My main concern is that my friend  had had to go suffer such a circumstance in her life.  But her mature dialauges and sensible talks which i always feel unique  must be only due to this bitter but humanly love experience.
    I must thank u for providing us such a powerful love story. Thanks your---kapil

  2. How nice your comment, Kapil! Needless to say, you understand me well, thanks you very much.

  3.   The story may be or may not be the real. But it is a message to all the lovers who build their dream home in the sky and have not yet planed to make it a reality.Had they been aware of actual where-about of each other, they may not be living in the state of dilemma blamimg the partner for his loyality.As I also happen to be a lover having my dream home only in the sky, this story has opened my eyes. So, I would like to address all the lovers who have made their dream house in the air, to  pleas exchange their postal address and contact Nos. as soon as possible. No one knows what is going to happen in the next moment. Breakage of love is always more than carnage. But its pain doubles when it is resulted due to communication gap.    Have my many thanks for the meaningful story to'space' lovers.I will just today ask my friend to give his/her postal and telcom address.        A space lover

  4. Hi dear, First of all i would like to thank you for visiting my blog and left me a comment. You are the fifth space lovers i've ever met here.I get your point by it well. But I only agree with you on one thing that breakage of love is more than a carnage and its pain doubles due to the communication gap.
    And i would like to know what you will do to shorten the distance betreen you n her/him? How can you control everything with the existance of the language gap despite your knowing his/her whereabouts? Nothing exccept for sitting there waiting in worry and asking Gods for help, dear.Finally thank you for sharing feelings with me, dear. Best regards.
